Monday, December 15- Grinch Day
Wear green
We will have our language test today.
Last Day to check out library books
Tuesday, December 16- Polar Express Day
Wear your pajamas- You can bring a pillow and a blanket if you want-
We will watch Polar Express and drink hot chocolate
All library books due today
Your child's wrapped book is due today.
Wednesday, December 17- Santa Day
Breakfast with Santa- 9:00
Christmas Party- 10:00
Thursday, December 18- Early Dismissal
Students will be released at 12:30
Return to school January 6
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Week of Dec. 8-12
We be sending home a note about the Christmas party and items needed for our Christmas activities this week. Please check your child's folder daily.
Reading: Post test will be ThursdayStory: Ruby in her Own Time
Sounds: final -ng and -nk
Grammar: compound words
High Frequency Words: Testing began last week. Please review these words. Your child must read them, not sound them out. They only have 3 seconds to read each word.
Spelling: bang, blink, ring, pink, rang, inside, backpack, bedtime, flagpole, lunchbox, an, each
Writing: How to correctly write a sentence, commas in a series, nouns, verbs, capitalizing proper nouns
Math: Post test will be Friday
We are still reviewing the standards taught this quarter.
fact families, missing addends, word problems, understanding the equal sign
Social Science:
We will continue learning about Christmas traditions in other countries.
Important Dates and Reminders:
Dec. 3-12- Canned food drive
Dec. 8-12 Penguin Patch. If you would like your child to purchase Christmas presents you must send this money in a labeled envelope. (envelopes were sent home last week)
Dec. 11-12: Post tests for students
Dec. 12- Bake sale for Relay for Life- The CES teachers and staff will be baking items for sale. Please come to the library Friday to purchase baked goods.
Dec. 12: PTO Holiday Night Out Drop Off- 5-10 cost is $10 no food and $12 includes pizza, drink, and popcorn. You MUST prepay. Notes were sent home last week. All children must be picked up by 10:00pm.
* Library- Last day to check out books will be December 15th.
All books need to be turned in by December 16th
Wednesday, Dec. 17- Breakfast with Santa 9:00 and class parties
Thursday, Dec 18- Student dismissal at 12:30
Christmas break begins Dec. 18 at 12:30 and students will return to school on Tuesday, January 6!
Friday, November 28, 2014
Week of Dec. 1-5
Thank you to everyone who donated to Coins for Raven. Ms. Sanders and Mrs. Taylor presented a $1000 check to the Edwards family.
Reading: Test Friday, Dec. 5Story- "An Egg is an Egg"
Sounds- ending -y (long e or long i sounds)
Grammar- commas in a series
Sight Words- review words 51-100 (Your child's teacher will be testing these words over the next two weeks)
Spelling: Test Friday, Dec. 5
any, my, puppy, body, by, silly, cry, fly, try, lucky, said, there
Math: Test Friday, Dec 5
Reviewing fact families, true and false addition and subtraction sentences
Social Science:
Students will be learning about holiday traditions around the world.
Important reminders and Dates:
Dec. 8-12 Penguin Patch. If you would like your child to purchase Christmas presents you must send this money in a labeled envelope.
Dec. 11-12: Post tests for students
* Library- Last day to check out books will be December 15th.
All books need to be turned in by December 16th
Wednesday, Dec. 17- Breakfast with Santa 9:00 and class parties
Thursday, Dec 18- Student dismissal at 12:30
Christmas break begins Dec. 18 at 12:30 and students will return to school on Tuesday, January 6!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Thank you to everyone who donated to Coins for Raven. Ms. Sanders and Mrs. Taylor presented a $1000 check to the Edwards family.
Reading: Test Friday, Dec. 5Story- "An Egg is an Egg"
Sounds- ending -y (long e or long i sounds)
Grammar- commas in a series
Sight Words- review words 51-100 (Your child's teacher will be testing these words over the next two weeks)
Spelling: Test Friday, Dec. 5
any, my, puppy, body, by, silly, cry, fly, try, lucky, said, there
Math: Test Friday, Dec 5
Reviewing fact families, true and false addition and subtraction sentences
Social Science:
Students will be learning about holiday traditions around the world.
Important reminders and Dates:
Dec. 8-12 Penguin Patch. If you would like your child to purchase Christmas presents you must send this money in a labeled envelope.
Dec. 11-12: Post tests for students
* Library- Last day to check out books will be December 15th.
All books need to be turned in by December 16th
Wednesday, Dec. 17- Breakfast with Santa 9:00 and class parties
Thursday, Dec 18- Student dismissal at 12:30
Christmas break begins Dec. 18 at 12:30 and students will return to school on Tuesday, January 6!
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Nov. 10-14
Story- "Life in the Forest"
Phonics- u_ e (long u), past tense (ed)
Story Elements- author's purpose, characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- cube, cute, mule, rude, flute, rule, huge, June, use, but, not
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words- find, long, down, day, did, get, come, made, part, may
Grammar- nouns and verbs
Math:We will continue to learn subtraction.
We will continue to learn about fact families (2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-2=3, 5-3=2)
We will continue to learn about missing addends 15= 7+ _____; 5 + ____ = 9
We will continue to learn about the equal sign (identify math facts as true/false)
Social Science:
Students will learn about pilgrims and Native Americans
Important Information:
Nov. 11- Veteran's Day- No school
Nov. 12- progress reports sent home
Nov. 13- Gotcha Party
Nov. 14- PTO Movie Night- Frozen- (doors open at 5:30 and movie starts at 6:00) This is a free event, but please bring a non-perishable food item. All items will be donated to the Welcome Center food pantry.
Nov. 20- Thanksgiving Lunch please return your reservation slip by Tuesday, Nov. 18. Yellow pod starts lunch at 11:32.
Nov. 24- 28- Thanksgiving break
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Nov. 3-7
All Weekly tests will be Thursday, Nov. 6th
Story- "The Big Circle"
Phonics- o_ e (long o), contractions
Story Elements- characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- bone, home, hope, hose, stone, aren't, she'll, don't, isn't, I'm, one, had
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words- my, than, first, water, been, call, who, oil, its, now
Grammar- nouns and verbs
Math:We will continue to learn subtraction.
We will learn about fact families (2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-2=3, 5-3=2)
We will continue to learn about missing addends 15= 7+ _____; 5 + ____ = 9
Social Science:
Students will learn about weather
Important Information:
Nov. 3-7- Book Fair in the lunchroom daily from 11-1
Nov. 3- Math Night: from 6-7.
Nov. 3- permission slips and $6.00 are due
Nov. 7- Field trip to Montgomery Museum of Fine Art
All Weekly tests will be Thursday, Nov. 6th
Story- "The Big Circle"
Phonics- o_ e (long o), contractions
Story Elements- characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- bone, home, hope, hose, stone, aren't, she'll, don't, isn't, I'm, one, had
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words- my, than, first, water, been, call, who, oil, its, now
Grammar- nouns and verbs
Math:We will continue to learn subtraction.
We will learn about fact families (2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-2=3, 5-3=2)
We will continue to learn about missing addends 15= 7+ _____; 5 + ____ = 9
Social Science:
Students will learn about weather
Important Information:
Nov. 3-7- Book Fair in the lunchroom daily from 11-1
Nov. 3- Math Night: from 6-7.
Nov. 3- permission slips and $6.00 are due
Nov. 7- Field trip to Montgomery Museum of Fine Art
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Red Ribbon Week
Story: "Who Works Here"
Phonics: Long I (i_e), ch, tch, wh
Spelling: dime, bike, hide, ice, kite, like, ride, smile, time, white, their, or
High Frequency Words: two, more, write, go, see, number, no, way, could, people
Math: We will continue to learn subtraction from 18. We are exploring the = sign. What is written on each side has to be equal. (15= 12+ 3; 5 + ____= 7; 7+3= 10)
We are also practicing representing tens and ones. Students will be given a number and they have to draw rectangles representing the tens number and squares representing the ones number
6 tens 7 ones
Social Science: This we the students will learn about the life cycle of a pumpkin.
Important Dates:
Oct. 27- Mustache Monday- Wear red and make your own mustache
Oct. 28- Give Drugs the Boot- Dress like a cowboy/ cowgirl and wear boots.
Cookie Dough pickup
Oct. 29-Be a Hero not a Zero- Defeat drugs and bullies
Oct. 30- Team up Against drugs- wear team colors
Oct. 31-Scare away drugs- costume parade with kid- friendly costumes.
Costume parade begins at 8:15
Party will start at 10:00
Nov. 3- Math Night is from 6-7. Notes went home on Monday, Oct. 27. Please complete and
send back
Nov. 3-7- Book Fair
Nov. 7- Field trip to Montgomery Museum of Fine Art. Cost is $6.00.
Money and permission slips are due by Nov. 3rd.
Nov. 11- Veteran's Day No School
Nov. 13- Gotcha Party for first grade
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Oct. 20-24
Story- "The Farmer in the Hat"
Phonics- a_ e (long a), ge (j sound), ce (s sound)
Story Elements- characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- age, cage, cake, face, late, made, make, name, safe, take, his, this
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:<py&rzv&lrzv
High Frequency Words- some, would, like, into, has, her, make, him, time, look
Grammar- capitals and ABC order
Math:We will continue to learn subtraction.
We will learn about fact families (2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-2=3, 5-3=2)
Social Science:
Students will learn about owls, bats, and spiders
Important Information:
Oct. 21- Read for the record
Oct. 21- Picture re-take: If you paid for pictures and want re-takes you need to return your pictures.
please let your teacher know if you want your child to re-take their pictures.
Oct. 22- Pink Out Day: Wear pink, $2.00 for Nancy's Italian Ice, breast cancer survivors are invited to lunch. Please complete the pink letter that was sent home before fall break.
Oct. 24- Magazine fundraiser ends today
Oct. 28- Cookie dough pick up
Nov. 3-7- Book Fair in the lunchroom daily from 11-1
Nov. 3- Math Night: from 6-7. More information will be sent home soon
Story- "The Farmer in the Hat"
Phonics- a_ e (long a), ge (j sound), ce (s sound)
Story Elements- characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- age, cage, cake, face, late, made, make, name, safe, take, his, this
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:<py&rzv&lrzv
High Frequency Words- some, would, like, into, has, her, make, him, time, look
Grammar- capitals and ABC order
Math:We will continue to learn subtraction.
We will learn about fact families (2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-2=3, 5-3=2)
Social Science:
Students will learn about owls, bats, and spiders
Important Information:
Oct. 21- Read for the record
Oct. 21- Picture re-take: If you paid for pictures and want re-takes you need to return your pictures.
please let your teacher know if you want your child to re-take their pictures.
Oct. 22- Pink Out Day: Wear pink, $2.00 for Nancy's Italian Ice, breast cancer survivors are invited to lunch. Please complete the pink letter that was sent home before fall break.
Oct. 24- Magazine fundraiser ends today
Oct. 28- Cookie dough pick up
Nov. 3-7- Book Fair in the lunchroom daily from 11-1
Nov. 3- Math Night: from 6-7. More information will be sent home soon
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Oct. 13-17
International Walk Day is Monday, Oct. 13
There is a lot going on this week. Please read the Important Information at the bottom of this post!
Story- "A Big Fish For Max"
Phonics- sh, th, al (ball)
Story Elements- characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- fish, rush, shell, ship, shop, shut, then, that, trash, with, for, as
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words- will, up, other, about, out, many, then, them, these, so
Grammar- ABC order
We will be learning basic subtraction
Social Science:
Students will learn about fire safety
Important Information:
Oct. 13- International walk day- we will walk during P.E. at 12:15
Oct. 13- cookie dough sale ends
Oct. 14- PTO- Yellow Pods perform: meet in the library at 5:45
Oct. 15- Shaved Ice- $1.50
Oct 16- is our next Gotcha Party. Review your child's behavior log daily. Your child's behavior does have an impact on their learning and the learning of others.
Oct. 16- report cards will be sent home
Oct. 21- Read for the record
Oct. 21- Picture re-take: If you paid for pictures and want re-takes you need to return your pictures.
please let your teacher know if you want your child to re-take their pictures.
Oct. 22- Pink Out Day: Wear pink, $2.00 for Nancy's Italian Ice, breast cancer survivors are invited to lunch. Please complete the pink letter that was sent home before fall break.
There is a lot going on this week. Please read the Important Information at the bottom of this post!
Story- "A Big Fish For Max"
Phonics- sh, th, al (ball)
Story Elements- characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- fish, rush, shell, ship, shop, shut, then, that, trash, with, for, as
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words- will, up, other, about, out, many, then, them, these, so
Grammar- ABC order
We will be learning basic subtraction
Social Science:
Students will learn about fire safety
Important Information:
Oct. 13- International walk day- we will walk during P.E. at 12:15
Oct. 13- cookie dough sale ends
Oct. 14- PTO- Yellow Pods perform: meet in the library at 5:45
Oct. 15- Shaved Ice- $1.50
Oct 16- is our next Gotcha Party. Review your child's behavior log daily. Your child's behavior does have an impact on their learning and the learning of others.
Oct. 16- report cards will be sent home
Oct. 21- Read for the record
Oct. 21- Picture re-take: If you paid for pictures and want re-takes you need to return your pictures.
please let your teacher know if you want your child to re-take their pictures.
Oct. 22- Pink Out Day: Wear pink, $2.00 for Nancy's Italian Ice, breast cancer survivors are invited to lunch. Please complete the pink letter that was sent home before fall break.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
FIrst Quarter Test Week- Sept 29- Oct 3,
This is test week. There will not be any homework this week.
We will have a reading first quarter test, math first quarter test, high frequency test and a language test
Please review the following skills with your child.
short a, e, i, o, and u
high frequency words for first quarter
Story comprehension: characters, setting, sequence of the story.
Your child will have to read a story and answer questions on their own. The teacher can help a child with words that they need help reading, but the teacher can not read sentences or big groups of words.
A.R: to go to the A.R. party your child needs to read 8 books and have an 85% or higher accuracy rates. This is the last week to take A.R. tests to qualify for the first quarter party.
number words to 20
tally marks
add numbers to 20
add 3 numbers (3+5+4)
write in missing numbers (___, 92, 93, ___, ___, 96)
1 more and 2 more than a number (What is 1 more than 87?)
commutative property: if 7+3= 10 then 3+7= ____
different ways to represent a number: write the number, write the word, tally marks, addition problem that equals that number, fill in a ten frame, draw a picture representing that number.
writing letters correctly
writing sentences correctly ( begins with a capital and ends with correct punctuation)
Nouns with capitals- names of months, days of the week, proper nouns
Social Science:
We will begin learning about the season of fall.
We will have Apple Day on Oct 3rd. Please see below for more information
*****Important Reminders and Dates******
Oct 2- shaved ice cost $1.50
Oct 3- End of first quarter
Oct 3.- Apple Day
A note went home asking for items for apple day. All students need to bring in 2 apples and any of the items on the list. We will be having an apple tasting from the different apple products. We will also be making caramel apples and making apple prints.
Oct 3- Walk the School- Please come and join your child during our P.E. time at 12:15. Participating in this activity can help our school win a grant. Hope to see you Friday!
Oct. 6-10- Fall Break- no school for students
We will have a reading first quarter test, math first quarter test, high frequency test and a language test
Please review the following skills with your child.
short a, e, i, o, and u
high frequency words for first quarter
Story comprehension: characters, setting, sequence of the story.
Your child will have to read a story and answer questions on their own. The teacher can help a child with words that they need help reading, but the teacher can not read sentences or big groups of words.
A.R: to go to the A.R. party your child needs to read 8 books and have an 85% or higher accuracy rates. This is the last week to take A.R. tests to qualify for the first quarter party.
number words to 20
tally marks
add numbers to 20
add 3 numbers (3+5+4)
write in missing numbers (___, 92, 93, ___, ___, 96)
1 more and 2 more than a number (What is 1 more than 87?)
commutative property: if 7+3= 10 then 3+7= ____
different ways to represent a number: write the number, write the word, tally marks, addition problem that equals that number, fill in a ten frame, draw a picture representing that number.
writing letters correctly
writing sentences correctly ( begins with a capital and ends with correct punctuation)
Nouns with capitals- names of months, days of the week, proper nouns
Social Science:
We will begin learning about the season of fall.
We will have Apple Day on Oct 3rd. Please see below for more information
*****Important Reminders and Dates******
Oct 2- shaved ice cost $1.50
Oct 3- End of first quarter
Oct 3.- Apple Day
A note went home asking for items for apple day. All students need to bring in 2 apples and any of the items on the list. We will be having an apple tasting from the different apple products. We will also be making caramel apples and making apple prints.
Oct 3- Walk the School- Please come and join your child during our P.E. time at 12:15. Participating in this activity can help our school win a grant. Hope to see you Friday!
Oct. 6-10- Fall Break- no school for students
Monday, September 22, 2014
Story- "Animal Park"
Phonics- short u and final blends (jump)
Story Elements- characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- bump, bus, cut, jump, must, nut, rug, run, sun, up to is
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words- Review all words- test next week
Grammar- Capitals for names and months
We will be reviewing addition to 20, writing tally marks, counting and writing to 100
Use your 120 chart to practice with your child.
Social Science:
We have started the AMSTI kit- Balance and Motion. This week we will continue to learn about how to balance items using counter weights.
Important Information:
September 17- school pictures
Shaved Ice: Sept. 16 and Oct 2 (the Sept. 30th shaved ice was canceled) Shaved ice costs $1.50 cash
Sept 30- School Night at Sweet Frog from 6-9
We will ordering field trip shirts soon. If you have not paid send in $6.00
Oct 6-10- Fall Break- No school for students
Oct 16- is our next Gotcha Party. Review your child's behavior log daily. Your child's behavior does have an impact on their learning and the learning of others.
Story- "Animal Park"
Phonics- short u and final blends (jump)
Story Elements- characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- bump, bus, cut, jump, must, nut, rug, run, sun, up to is
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words- Review all words- test next week
Grammar- Capitals for names and months
We will be reviewing addition to 20, writing tally marks, counting and writing to 100
Use your 120 chart to practice with your child.
Social Science:
We have started the AMSTI kit- Balance and Motion. This week we will continue to learn about how to balance items using counter weights.
Important Information:
September 17- school pictures
Shaved Ice: Sept. 16 and Oct 2 (the Sept. 30th shaved ice was canceled) Shaved ice costs $1.50 cash
Sept 30- School Night at Sweet Frog from 6-9
We will ordering field trip shirts soon. If you have not paid send in $6.00
Oct 6-10- Fall Break- No school for students
Oct 16- is our next Gotcha Party. Review your child's behavior log daily. Your child's behavior does have an impact on their learning and the learning of others.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Sept. 15-19
Story- "Get The Egg"
Phonics- short e and beginning blends (sled)
Story Elements- characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- bed, red, jet, sled, leg, step, men, ten, net, wet, the, from
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words-
Grammar- Interrogative (questions) sentences and declarative (telling) sentences
We will be reviewing addition to 20, writing tally marks, counting and writing to 100
Use your 120 chart to practice with your child.
Social Science:
We are starting the AMSTI kit- Balance and Motion. This week we will begin learning about how to balance items using counter weights.
Important Information:
September 17- school pictures
Shaved Ice: Sept. 16 and Oct 2 (the Sept. 30th shaved ice was canceled) Shaved ice costs $1.50 cash
Sept. 18- Spirit Night at CiCi's Pizza from 5-9
Sept 30- Spirit Night at Sweet Frog from 6-9
We will ordering field trip shirts soon. If you have not paid send in $6.00
Oct 6-10- Fall Break- No school for students
Oct 16- is our next Gotcha Party. Review your child's behavior log daily. Your child's behavior does have an impact on their learning.
Story- "Get The Egg"
Phonics- short e and beginning blends (sled)
Story Elements- characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- bed, red, jet, sled, leg, step, men, ten, net, wet, the, from
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words-
Grammar- Interrogative (questions) sentences and declarative (telling) sentences
We will be reviewing addition to 20, writing tally marks, counting and writing to 100
Use your 120 chart to practice with your child.
Social Science:
We are starting the AMSTI kit- Balance and Motion. This week we will begin learning about how to balance items using counter weights.
Important Information:
September 17- school pictures
Shaved Ice: Sept. 16 and Oct 2 (the Sept. 30th shaved ice was canceled) Shaved ice costs $1.50 cash
Sept. 18- Spirit Night at CiCi's Pizza from 5-9
Sept 30- Spirit Night at Sweet Frog from 6-9
We will ordering field trip shirts soon. If you have not paid send in $6.00
Oct 6-10- Fall Break- No school for students
Oct 16- is our next Gotcha Party. Review your child's behavior log daily. Your child's behavior does have an impact on their learning.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Week of September 8- 12
Monday is parent report day. Please make sure you are on time for your appointment. Teachers sent home reminders. If you are not sure of your time please call the office Monday morning. Appointments are only 15 minutes. Please be mindful of our time constraints. If you need more time please set up a conference with your child's teacher. We are here to help you any way we can. Thanks in advance for help.
Story- Fox and a Kit
Phonics- review short a and I; inflected endings -s and -ing
Story Elements- characters and setting
Spelling Words- fit, fits, nap, naps, sit, sits, win, wins, hit, hits, they have
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words- but, not, what, all, were, we, when, your, can, said
Grammar- Interrogative (questions) sentences
We will be reviewing addition to 20.
We will begin learning how to solve word problems. We will also be solving problems with missing addends. (5+ ____= 7) Use your 120 chart to practice with your child.
Social Science:
We are starting the AMSTI kit- Balance and Motion. This week we will begin learning about how to balance items using counter weights.
Important Information:
September 8- Parent Report Day- This meeting is only 15 minutes. Please note that your teacher has a list of things we need to go over during this 15 minutes. Please be mindful that we have appointments after your time. If you think you will need more time please let your teacher know. You may need to meet on a different day. Reminder notes will be going home soon!
September 11- Gotcha Party
September 17- school pictures
Shaved Ice: Sept. 16 and Oct 2 (the Sept. 30th shaved ice was canceled) Shaved ice costs $1.50 cash
Story- Fox and a Kit
Phonics- review short a and I; inflected endings -s and -ing
Story Elements- characters and setting
Spelling Words- fit, fits, nap, naps, sit, sits, win, wins, hit, hits, they have
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words- but, not, what, all, were, we, when, your, can, said
Grammar- Interrogative (questions) sentences
We will be reviewing addition to 20.
We will begin learning how to solve word problems. We will also be solving problems with missing addends. (5+ ____= 7) Use your 120 chart to practice with your child.
Social Science:
We are starting the AMSTI kit- Balance and Motion. This week we will begin learning about how to balance items using counter weights.
Important Information:
September 8- Parent Report Day- This meeting is only 15 minutes. Please note that your teacher has a list of things we need to go over during this 15 minutes. Please be mindful that we have appointments after your time. If you think you will need more time please let your teacher know. You may need to meet on a different day. Reminder notes will be going home soon!
September 11- Gotcha Party
September 17- school pictures
Shaved Ice: Sept. 16 and Oct 2 (the Sept. 30th shaved ice was canceled) Shaved ice costs $1.50 cash
Friday, August 29, 2014
Week of September 2-5
Story- Big Blue Ox
Phonics- short o and plurals
Story Elements- characters and setting
Spelling Words- got, mop, hop, ox, mom, rock, hot, pop, lock, pot, on, are
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words- at, be, this, have, from, or, one, had, by, word
Grammar- Declarative sentences
We will be learning how to add 3 numbers ( 2+ 5+ 4= 11)
We will be reviewing addition and subtraction up to 20.
Your child should to be able to tell what is one more and two more: (What is one more than 19? What is two more than 12?)
Your child will need to tell what is one less and two less. (What is one less than 17? What is two less than 12?) Use your 120 chart to practice with your child.
Social Science:
We are starting the AMSTI kit- Balance and Motion. This week we will begin learning about how to balance items using counter weights.
Important Information:
September 1- Labor Day- No School
September 4- PTO meeting: Teacher introductions
September 8- Parent Report Day- This meeting is only 15 minutes. Please note that your teacher has a list of things we need to go over during this 15 minutes. Please be mindful that we have appointments after your time. If you think you will need more time please let your teacher know. You may need to meet on a different day. Reminder notes will be going home soon!
September 11- Gotcha Party
September 17- school pictures
Story- Big Blue Ox
Phonics- short o and plurals
Story Elements- characters and setting
Spelling Words- got, mop, hop, ox, mom, rock, hot, pop, lock, pot, on, are
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:
High Frequency Words- at, be, this, have, from, or, one, had, by, word
Grammar- Declarative sentences
We will be learning how to add 3 numbers ( 2+ 5+ 4= 11)
We will be reviewing addition and subtraction up to 20.
Your child should to be able to tell what is one more and two more: (What is one more than 19? What is two more than 12?)
Your child will need to tell what is one less and two less. (What is one less than 17? What is two less than 12?) Use your 120 chart to practice with your child.
Social Science:
We are starting the AMSTI kit- Balance and Motion. This week we will begin learning about how to balance items using counter weights.
Important Information:
September 1- Labor Day- No School
September 4- PTO meeting: Teacher introductions
September 8- Parent Report Day- This meeting is only 15 minutes. Please note that your teacher has a list of things we need to go over during this 15 minutes. Please be mindful that we have appointments after your time. If you think you will need more time please let your teacher know. You may need to meet on a different day. Reminder notes will be going home soon!
September 11- Gotcha Party
September 17- school pictures
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Week of August 25-29
Choir notes went home on Aug. 21. Choir sign up is first come first serve. Please return the form as soon as possible. Remember you don't pay until October.
Story- Pig in a Wig
Phonics- short I and final x
Story Elements- characters and setting
Spelling Words- did, fix, in, it, lip, mix, pin, sit, six, wig, you, was
High Frequency Words- he, as, was, with, for, his, on, they, are, I
Grammar- Sentences
We will be learning addition and subtraction up to 20.
Your child will need to be able to tell what is one more and two more: (What is one more than 19? What is two more than 12?)
Your child will need to tell what is one less and two less. (What is one less than 17? What is two less than 12?) Use your 120 chart to practice with your child.
Social Science:
We will be learning about living and non living things. We are also going to be learning about how to classify animals. (mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians)
Important Information:
August 26- Shaved Ice $1.50 (cash only)
September 4- Labor Day- No School
September 8- Parent Report Day- This meeting is only 15 minutes. Please note that your teacher has a list of things we need to go over during this 15 minutes. Please be mindful that we have appointments after your time. If you think you will need more time please let your teacher know. You may need to meet on a different day.
Notes will be going home soon! You will need to return then as soon as possible.
Story- Pig in a Wig
Phonics- short I and final x
Story Elements- characters and setting
Spelling Words- did, fix, in, it, lip, mix, pin, sit, six, wig, you, was
High Frequency Words- he, as, was, with, for, his, on, they, are, I
Grammar- Sentences
We will be learning addition and subtraction up to 20.
Your child will need to be able to tell what is one more and two more: (What is one more than 19? What is two more than 12?)
Your child will need to tell what is one less and two less. (What is one less than 17? What is two less than 12?) Use your 120 chart to practice with your child.
Social Science:
We will be learning about living and non living things. We are also going to be learning about how to classify animals. (mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians)
Important Information:
August 26- Shaved Ice $1.50 (cash only)
September 4- Labor Day- No School
September 8- Parent Report Day- This meeting is only 15 minutes. Please note that your teacher has a list of things we need to go over during this 15 minutes. Please be mindful that we have appointments after your time. If you think you will need more time please let your teacher know. You may need to meet on a different day.
Notes will be going home soon! You will need to return then as soon as possible.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Week of August 18-22
The lunchroom staff has asked if your child eats breakfast that they have their lunch number on their book bag.
Language Arts:
Story : Sam, Come Back
Sounds: short a and final ck
Story elements: characters and setting
Spelling Words: am, at, back, bat, can, cat, dad, mad, ran, sack, of, and
High Frequency Words:
the, in, of, is, and, you, a, that, to , it
Grammar: sentences begin with a capital letter and end with correct punctuation
A copy of our weekly story has been put in your child's weekly folder. Your child's homework is to read this story every night. Help them sound out the words. You can make a list of words they consistently have trouble with and make flash cards for them to review these words.
After reading the story ask your child questions about the story.
Who are the characters? What happens first, next, and last? Where does the story take place?
These are great questions to ask about any story.
Spelling homework has also been put in the daily folder. Spelling homework will be due on Friday, Aug. 22.
Important test information this week:
The reading test this week will not count. This test will be used to help your child understand how the reading test will be administered. Explicit directions will be given during this test. Also, testing expectations will also be explained, for example no talking, keep your eyes on your own paper, ect.
Spelling test will not count this quarter. It is important that your child write the letters correctly. backwards letters and letters not formed correctly will be marked wrong.
We will be learning about patterns, composing numbers (addition) and decomposing numbers (subtraction), reviewing number words to twenty, different ways to represent a number.
We are exploring number sense this week. We want your child to understand what numbers really represent. If they understand that they can add and subtract with better understanding. For example, your child will be able to tell how to represent any number-
Let's use the number 5:
you can write the number, word, tally marks, draw a picture, use a ten frame, find shapes that have 5 sides, math problems equaling 5- here is an example:

Social Science:
We will be learning all about me!
Important Reminders:
Aug. 22- PTO Movie Night from 5-8:
fliers were sent home last week. Please check your child's folder for the flyer.
Sept. 4- Labor Day- No School
Sept. 8- Parent Report Day- No school for students
If your child is going home a different way your must send a note.
All checks need your phone number on them.
Language Arts:
Story : Sam, Come Back
Sounds: short a and final ck
Story elements: characters and setting
Spelling Words: am, at, back, bat, can, cat, dad, mad, ran, sack, of, and
High Frequency Words:
the, in, of, is, and, you, a, that, to , it
Grammar: sentences begin with a capital letter and end with correct punctuation
A copy of our weekly story has been put in your child's weekly folder. Your child's homework is to read this story every night. Help them sound out the words. You can make a list of words they consistently have trouble with and make flash cards for them to review these words.
After reading the story ask your child questions about the story.
Who are the characters? What happens first, next, and last? Where does the story take place?
These are great questions to ask about any story.
Spelling homework has also been put in the daily folder. Spelling homework will be due on Friday, Aug. 22.
Important test information this week:
The reading test this week will not count. This test will be used to help your child understand how the reading test will be administered. Explicit directions will be given during this test. Also, testing expectations will also be explained, for example no talking, keep your eyes on your own paper, ect.
Spelling test will not count this quarter. It is important that your child write the letters correctly. backwards letters and letters not formed correctly will be marked wrong.
We will be learning about patterns, composing numbers (addition) and decomposing numbers (subtraction), reviewing number words to twenty, different ways to represent a number.
We are exploring number sense this week. We want your child to understand what numbers really represent. If they understand that they can add and subtract with better understanding. For example, your child will be able to tell how to represent any number-
Let's use the number 5:
you can write the number, word, tally marks, draw a picture, use a ten frame, find shapes that have 5 sides, math problems equaling 5- here is an example:

Social Science:
We will be learning all about me!
Important Reminders:
Aug. 22- PTO Movie Night from 5-8:
fliers were sent home last week. Please check your child's folder for the flyer.
Sept. 4- Labor Day- No School
Sept. 8- Parent Report Day- No school for students
If your child is going home a different way your must send a note.
All checks need your phone number on them.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Week of August 11-15
This week your child will be getting to know their new classmates. The yellow pod teachers have planned many fun activities this week to review letters and sounds. Your child will also be reviewing color words and number words to twenty. Your child will also be reviewing and learning the school and classroom rules.
Letters E-H will be reviewed this week. The students will review these letter sounds and will practice writing each of these letters. We will read poems and watch short videos about these letters.
Each day stories will be read to the students. We will have discussions about the characters, plot, and the settings of each story.
Number words to 20 will be learned. Students will be able to read, write, and match these numbers. Color words will also be reviewed this week. Students will be able to read the following words:
red, orange, purple, blue, green, black, brown, white, yellow, and pink.
Social Science:
All About Me- We will be learning about ourselves and our favorite things.
Important Information:
Movie night for Aug. 15 has been cancelled.
Gotcha party kickoff will be Friday, Aug. 15 at 1:40 in the gym
This week your child will be getting to know their new classmates. The yellow pod teachers have planned many fun activities this week to review letters and sounds. Your child will also be reviewing color words and number words to twenty. Your child will also be reviewing and learning the school and classroom rules.
Letters E-H will be reviewed this week. The students will review these letter sounds and will practice writing each of these letters. We will read poems and watch short videos about these letters.
Each day stories will be read to the students. We will have discussions about the characters, plot, and the settings of each story.
Number words to 20 will be learned. Students will be able to read, write, and match these numbers. Color words will also be reviewed this week. Students will be able to read the following words:
red, orange, purple, blue, green, black, brown, white, yellow, and pink.
Social Science:
All About Me- We will be learning about ourselves and our favorite things.
Important Information:
Movie night for Aug. 15 has been cancelled.
Gotcha party kickoff will be Friday, Aug. 15 at 1:40 in the gym
Friday, August 1, 2014
Week of August 4- 8
This week your child will be getting to know their new classmates. The yellow pod teachers have planned many fun activities this week to review letters and sounds. Your child will also be reviewing color words and number words to ten. Your child will also be reviewing and learning the school and classroom rules.
Letters A-D will be reviewed this week. The students will review these letter sounds and will practice writing each of these letters. We will read poems and watch short videos about these letters.
Each day stories will be read to the students. We will have discussions about the characters, plot, and the settings of each story.
Number words to 10 will be learned. Students will be able to read, write, and match these numbers. Color words will also be learned this week. Students will be able to read the following words:
red, orange, purple, blue, green, black, brown, white, yellow, and pink.
Social Science:
School and classroom rules will be taught.
This will be sent home on Thursday: please write on the paper that your child brings home about the origin of their name. (For example if the name is a family name, named after a special place, etc.)
On Friday, your teacher will need the following items sent in to school: apple slices, grapes, chocolate wafer cookies. Your teacher will send home a sign up slip this week. Please let her know which item you can send on Friday.
Letters A-D will be reviewed this week. The students will review these letter sounds and will practice writing each of these letters. We will read poems and watch short videos about these letters.
Each day stories will be read to the students. We will have discussions about the characters, plot, and the settings of each story.
Number words to 10 will be learned. Students will be able to read, write, and match these numbers. Color words will also be learned this week. Students will be able to read the following words:
red, orange, purple, blue, green, black, brown, white, yellow, and pink.
Social Science:
School and classroom rules will be taught.
This will be sent home on Thursday: please write on the paper that your child brings home about the origin of their name. (For example if the name is a family name, named after a special place, etc.)
On Friday, your teacher will need the following items sent in to school: apple slices, grapes, chocolate wafer cookies. Your teacher will send home a sign up slip this week. Please let her know which item you can send on Friday.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Hello Parents
We hope you have enjoyed your summer with your children. There have been a lot of changes at Coosada this summer. The office has had a renovation and many new safety features have been up graded. We also have many new teachers, a new principal and assistant principal.
Yellow pod teachers are looking forward to meeting you on Thursday, July 31. Coosada will be hosting an open house from 1-6 on July 31. Teachers have mailed you letters about how they will handle open house. There will be forms to complete and your child's teacher will need to know how your child will be going home every day. If your child will be riding a bus your teacher will need the bus number. Please call the school office to find out the bus number.
The first day of school will be August 4.
Children can be dropped off no earlier than 7:20
Tardy bell rings at 7:35- your child must be in their classroom by 7:35. If they are not in their classroom by this time they will be counted tardy.
Dismissal: 2:35
We will go over so much more at the open house on Thursday, July 31
Yellow pod teachers are looking forward to meeting you on Thursday, July 31. Coosada will be hosting an open house from 1-6 on July 31. Teachers have mailed you letters about how they will handle open house. There will be forms to complete and your child's teacher will need to know how your child will be going home every day. If your child will be riding a bus your teacher will need the bus number. Please call the school office to find out the bus number.
The first day of school will be August 4.
Children can be dropped off no earlier than 7:20
Tardy bell rings at 7:35- your child must be in their classroom by 7:35. If they are not in their classroom by this time they will be counted tardy.
Dismissal: 2:35
We will go over so much more at the open house on Thursday, July 31
Friday, May 9, 2014
PTO needs board members for next year. If anyone is interested please contact Mrs. Goodin
If your child is going to miss school because of a prearranged activity you need to fill out the form in the CES handbook and turn it in prior to your activity.
May 12th- May 16th
If your child is going to miss school because of a prearranged activity you need to fill out the form in the CES handbook and turn it in prior to your activity.
May 12th- May 16th
4th quarter post test
4th quarter High Frequency Word test will be this week
Math: 4th quarter post test
Social Science: Students will learn about the season of summer.
**Important Reminders/ Dates**
· The last day for checks (including the lunch room) was April 21st. You must now send cash only.
· Field day will be May 19. Our time is from 9:30-10:15. Each class needs 2 parent volunteers. Please let your child's teacher know if you can help.
All library books were due by Friday, May 9th. That was the last day for A.R. tests.
Last Gotcha Party will be May 15.
· Save the date: Our Honor’s Day will take place on Tuesday, May 20th starting at 9:15am in the gym. The program will last between 30 to 45 minutes. We will have refreshments in the pod afterwards. Children are free to check out after the program. We need $3.00 per child to pay for refreshments.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
PTO needs board members for next year. If anyone is interested please contact Mrs. Goodin
If your child is going to miss school because of a prearranged activity you need to fill out the form in the CES handbook and turn it in prior to your activity.
May 5th- May 9th
· Story of the week- “Peter’s
· Sounds: - ew –ui -ue
· High Frequency
words – him,
· Compound
4th quarter High Frequency Word test will be this week
Spelling words:
backpack 7.
2. flashlight 8. lunchbox
3. baseball 9. outside
4. bluebird 10.suitcase
5. brainstorm 11. him
6. herself 12. has
Math: This week the students will be
reviewing graphs, money and measurement.
Social Science: This week the students will be
learning about Mother’s Day!
Reminders/ Dates**
· The
last day for checks
(including the lunch room) was April 21st. You must now send cash
· Field
day will be May 19. Our time is from 9:30-10:15. Each class needs 2 parent volunteers. Please let your child's teacher know if you can help.
All library books are due by Friday, May 9th. That will also be the last day for A.R. tests.
Last Gotcha Party will be May 15.
· Save the date:
Our Honor’s Day will
take place on Tuesday, May 20th starting at 9:15am in the gym. Look
for more info. soon.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
April 28- May 2
PTO needs board members for next year. If anyone is interested please contact Mrs. Goodin
If your child is going to miss school because of a prearranged activity you need to fill out the form in the CES handbook and turn it in prior to your activity.
· Story of the week- “Ben Franklin and His First Kite”
· Sounds: Prefixes un and re
re means again/ un means opposite of or not
· High Frequency words – kind, water, letter, mother, large, found, because, different, world, point, change, still
· Prepositions
Spelling words:
1. refill 7. refund
2. reopen 8. repay
3. retell 9. undo
4. undress 10 unhappy
5. unkind 11 untie
6. kind 12. water
Math: This week the students will be reviewing money (pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters), fractions, graphs, time, addition and subtraction
Social Science: This week the students will be learning about oceans.
**Important Reminders/ Dates**
· The last day for checks (including the lunch room) was April 21st. You must now send cash only.
· Yellow Pod Dibles- Tuesday, April 29th.
· If you would like your child to purchase a field day supply pack please send $5.00 cash. Field day will take place the last week of school.
· Next shaved ice date is Wed. April 30th. Please send $1.50 cash.
Honor's Day is May 20th at 9:15
Library info
100 book logs are due April 30
All library books due May 9
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Weekly News Letter
April 21st – April 25th
PTO needs board members for next year. If anyone is interested please contact Mrs. Goodin
· Story of the week- “Alexander Graham Bell”
· Sounds: aw and au
these are not phonics rules just helpful hints
aw will be used at the end of a word or before the letter l or n (crawl or dawn)
never use au at the end of a word
· High Frequency words – good, long, letter, mother, large, found, because, different, world, point, change, still
· Possessive phrases
Spelling words:
crawl 7.
2. draw 8. saw
3. hawk 9. straw
4. jaw 10. yawn
5. law 11. good
6. lawn 12. long
Math: This week the students will be
learning about money (pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters)
Social Science: This week the students will be
learning about Earth Day and how to keep our earth clean.
Reminders/ Dates**
· The last day for checks (including the lunch room) was April
21st. You must now send
cash only.
· Yellow Pod Dibles- Tuesday, April 29th.
· If you would like your child to
purchase a field day supply pack please send $5.00 cash. Field day will take
place the last week of school.
· Next shaved ice date is Wed. April
30th. Please send $1.50 cash.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
PTO Update:
PTO needs board members for next year. If anyone is interested please contact Mrs. Goodin
· Story of the week- “Simple Machines”
· Sounds: oi and oy (boil and boy)
· High Frequency words – who, find
· Sentences
Spelling words:
boil 7.
2. boy 8. soil
3. coin 9. toy
4. join 10. voice
5. oil 11. who
6. oink 12. find
Math: This week the students will be
learning how to tell time to the hour and half hour.
Social Science: This week the students will be
learning about Easter. We will have an egg hunt on Thursday. Please send a basket with your child.
Reminders/ Dates**
· Last day for checks (including the
lunch room) is April 21st. You must send cash after this date.
· Thursday, April 17th
- Easter Egg Hunt
beginning at 2:00pm. Each student will need to bring their Easter basket on
- April 16 & 30- Shaved Ice- cost $1.50
- field day spirit packs are now on sale through April 25- cost is $5.00
- April 30- Last day to turn in 100 Book Log
- May 9- All Library books are due
- Honor's Day will be May 20 at 9:15
REMINDER: Google calendar is at the bottom of the page
Sunday, April 6, 2014
April 7th – April 11th
· Story of the week- “Dot and Jabber”
· Sounds: oo (moon)
· High Frequency words – people, been
· Sentences
Spelling words:
book 7.
2. food 8. pool
3. foot 9. took
4. good 10. zoo
5. look 11. people
6. moon 12. been
Math: This week the students will be
learning how to tell time to the hour and half hour.
Social Science: This week the students will be
learning about living things.
Reminders/ Dates**
· April 7th -11th - Book Fair in the
lunchroom from 11-1pm.
· Friday, April 11th
- Spring Fling and 5K -
Please make plans to join us from 5 to 8 pm! (Don’t forget our pod is doing the
game Go Fish and we need each student to send in 1 bag of candy by April 9th)
Hat Day- April 11 cost $1.00
· Last day for checks (including the
lunch room) is April 21st. You must send cash after this date
Monday, March 31, 2014
March 31st – April 4th
Story of the week-
“Mole and the Baby Bird”
- Sounds: ou (ex:
cloud) and vcv syllable patterns
- High Frequency words – number,
- Imperative Sentences
Spelling words:
1. about 7. our
2. count 8. out
3. found 9. round
4. house 10. shout
5. mouth 11. number
6. ouch 12.could
Math: This week the students will be learning about graphs.
Social Science: This week the students will be learning about plants.
**Important Reminders/ Dates**
April 1st - PTO meeting in the lunchroom at
6:00pm. Pizza and drinks will be served beginning at 5:30pm.
April 7th
-11th - Book Fair in the lunchroom from 11-1pm.
Friday, April 11th
- Spring Fling and 5K - Please make plans to join us from 5 to 8 pm!
April 1st
– Registration begins for kindergarten and also teacher request.
April 21-- last day to write checks to the school or for lunch
Saturday, March 15, 2014
17th – March 21st
· Story of the week- “Tippy Toe Chick Go”
· Sounds: ow (ex:brown) and -le (ex. puzzle)
· High Frequency words – come, no
· Imperative Sentences
Spelling words:
brown 7.
2. clown 8. how
3. cow 9. now
4. crowd 10. town
5. down 11. come
6. frown
Math: This week the students will be
learning about measurement (inches and centimeters).
Social Science: This week the students will be
learning about the season of spring!
Reminders/ Dates**
· We all need parents to complete the Title I parent survey. The link is on the school website under Latest News. Thank you to those who have completed the survey.
Yearbooks are now on sale for $24.00
· Our field trip is Tuesday, March
18th to the Montgomery Museum of Fine
Arts. All permission slips and money ($5.00) were due on Friday, March 14th .
If you are a chaperone , you will need to be at school at 9:00. All chaperones will need to drive their own cars. After the museum we will be going to the park in Millbrook. Please bring your lunch. We will return to school around 2:00
If you are a chaperone , you will need to be at school at 9:00. All chaperones will need to drive their own cars. After the museum we will be going to the park in Millbrook. Please bring your lunch. We will return to school around 2:00
· Spring Break – March 24th
- 28th
· Spring Picture Day – March
Cici's Spirit Night- March 20
Jump Rope for Heart money is due March 21
· April 1- PTO meeting Spring Fling & 5K- Friday, April 11
Saturday, March 8, 2014
News for the week:
10th – March 14th
· Story of the week- “Henry and
· Sounds: oo ,
-ful (words that end in -ful mean full of___ wonderful means full of wonder)
-ly (words that end in -ly mean in a ____ way- gladly means in a glad way)
· High Frequency
words – two,
· Adjectives (number words)
Spelling words:
bloom 7.
2. goose 8. gladly
3. broom 9. useful
4. smooth 10. wonderful
5. spoonful 11. two
6. tooth 12. go
High Frequency Words: we will be reviewing the 3rd quarter words
high frequency words for the 4th quarter are listed on the high frequency words link above.
high frequency words for the 4th quarter are listed on the high frequency words link above.
Math: This week the students will be
learning about measurement. We will be learning how to order three objects by length; compare the lengths of the objects.
Social Science: This week the students will be
learning about Saint Patrick’s Day!
Reminders/ Dates**
· Yearbooks are
now on sale for
· Our field trip
is Tuesday, March 18th to the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. All
permission slips and money ($5.00) are due by Friday, March
· Spring Break –
March 24th -
· Spring Picture
Day – March 20th
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