Saturday, January 31, 2015

Feb. 2-5

Story: "Where Are My Animal Friends"
Sounds: ending er (comparing 2 things), ending -est (comparing 3 or more things),
and -dge (J sound)
Grammar: Pronouns
Sight Words: much, before, mean, old, line, any, same, right, too, tell
Spelling Words: bigger, biggest, sadder, saddest, faster, fastest, bridge, pledge, fudge, lodge, many, these
Math: expanded form

Base Ten Posters with Expanded Notation
Social Science:
Monday: Ground hog day activities,
Tuesday- Friday: we will continue AMSTI kit- animals 2 by 2:  we will be learning about  goldfish and comparing them to other fish.

Important Dates & Reminders:
PTO coke fundraiser- Feb. 2-13- Order forms and information has already been sent home.
Top 3 sellers will receive a Toys R Us gift card.
Make checks payable to CES PTO- all checks must include a phone number
PTO meeting: February 3
Prime Time Family Reading Time:  Will be every Tuesday from Feb. 10- March 17. (5:30-7:00)
This is a family event that includes storytelling, reading and a discussion for parents and children.  This is a free event that includes a meal, door prizes, and gift books.  Please preregister by completing the form that was sent home in January.  If you are interested and do not have a form please contact your child's teacher for another form. 
Progress Reports: Feb. 12
Field trip to Let's Pretend Hospital: Feb. 27
All chaperones need to have filled out an background check this school year.  Also, all students must ride the bus on all field trips.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Jan. 26-30

Important Information:
If you plan to attend our next field trip you must have a completed background check.
All students must ride the bus on field trips.

Week of January 26-30
Math, Reading and spelling tests will be Friday
Story: I'm a Caterpillar
Spelling: Bossy R- er, ir, ur; contractions
Dictation sentences are now graded!
bird, burn, first, fur, girl, perch, fern, let's, we've, you're, other, because
High Frequency Words:
name, good, say, great, man, where, think, where, help, sentence, through
Grammar: root words, ABC order, and action verbs
We will continue with place value this week.  Students will learn about the tens and ones numbers
Your child should be able to illustrate numbers. Also, we will begin to compare two two-digit numbers.
 Greater Than Less Than or Equal To With Base 10 Blocks flip chart Game ...

Social Science:
We will begin our AMSTI unit- Animals 2 by 2
This week we will learn about goldfish.
Important Dates:
We are selling CES t-shirts.  You can pick between red, black, and gray shirts.   Order forms were sent home last week.  If you need a form please let your child's teacher know. Money is due by Jan. 30.  Cost $13.
100th Day of School- Jan. 27

Class pictures: Tuesday, January 27 Cost $10
Prime Time Reading Program will begin for first grade on Tuesday, February 10.  This is a family program that will be offered at night.
PTO Coke Fundraiser drive will be from February 2-13

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 12-16

Week of January 12- 16
All tests will be Thursday, January 15
Story: Jan's New Home

Spelling: plurals (es), or sound
bus, buses, fix, fixes, wish, wishes, storm, fork, wore, more, do, if
High Frequency Words:
over, new, little, work, sound, take, only, know, place, year
Grammar: put words in ABC order, verbs (if the action is being done by one person the verb will end in s)
We will begin place value this week.  Students will learn about the tens and ones numbers
Your child should be able to illustrate numbers.  

Social Science:
We will learn about what penguins
Important Dates:
Students will not have school on January 16 and 19
PTO meeting Tuesday, January 13
Class pictures: Tuesday, January 27
Prime Time Reading Program will begin for first grade on Tuesday, February 10.  This is a family program that will be offered at night.
PTO Coke Fundraiser drive will be from February 2-13