Friday, November 28, 2014

Week of Dec. 1-5

Thank you to everyone who donated to Coins for Raven.  Ms. Sanders and Mrs. Taylor presented a $1000 check to the Edwards family. 

Reading: Test Friday, Dec. 5
Story- "An Egg is an Egg"
Sounds- ending -y (long e or long i sounds)
Grammar- commas in a series
Sight Words- review words 51-100 (Your child's teacher will be testing these words over the next two weeks)
Spelling: Test Friday, Dec. 5
any, my, puppy, body, by, silly, cry, fly, try, lucky, said, there

Math: Test Friday, Dec 5
Reviewing fact families, true and false addition and subtraction sentences
Social Science:
Students will be learning about holiday traditions around the world.
Important reminders and Dates:
Dec. 8-12 Penguin Patch.  If you would like your child to purchase Christmas presents you must send this money in a labeled envelope.
Dec. 11-12: Post tests for students
* Library- Last day to check out books will be December 15th.  
All books need to be turned in by December 16th
Wednesday, Dec. 17- Breakfast with Santa 9:00 and class parties

Thursday, Dec 18- Student dismissal at 12:30

Christmas break begins Dec. 18 at 12:30 and students will return to school on Tuesday, January 6!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thank you to everyone who donated to Coins for Raven.  Ms. Sanders and Mrs. Taylor presented a $1000 check to the Edwards family. 

Reading: Test Friday, Dec. 5
Story- "An Egg is an Egg"
Sounds- ending -y (long e or long i sounds)
Grammar- commas in a series
Sight Words- review words 51-100 (Your child's teacher will be testing these words over the next two weeks)
Spelling: Test Friday, Dec. 5
any, my, puppy, body, by, silly, cry, fly, try, lucky, said, there

Math: Test Friday, Dec 5
Reviewing fact families, true and false addition and subtraction sentences
Social Science:
Students will be learning about holiday traditions around the world.
Important reminders and Dates:
Dec. 8-12 Penguin Patch.  If you would like your child to purchase Christmas presents you must send this money in a labeled envelope.
Dec. 11-12: Post tests for students
* Library- Last day to check out books will be December 15th.  
All books need to be turned in by December 16th
Wednesday, Dec. 17- Breakfast with Santa 9:00 and class parties

Thursday, Dec 18- Student dismissal at 12:30

Christmas break begins Dec. 18 at 12:30 and students will return to school on Tuesday, January 6!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Nov. 10-14

Story- "Life in the Forest"
Phonics- u_ e (long u), past tense (ed)
Story Elements- author's purpose, characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- cube, cute, mule, rude, flute, rule, huge, June, use, but, not
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:

High Frequency Words- find, long, down, day, did, get, come, made, part, may
Grammar-  nouns and verbs

Math:We will continue to learn subtraction.
We will continue to learn about fact families (2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-2=3, 5-3=2)
We will continue to learn about missing addends 15= 7+ _____;  5 + ____ = 9
We will continue to learn about the equal sign (identify math facts as true/false)

Social Science:
Students will learn about pilgrims and Native Americans

Important Information:
Nov. 11- Veteran's Day- No school

Nov. 12- progress reports sent home
Nov. 13- Gotcha Party
Nov. 14- PTO Movie Night- Frozen(doors open at 5:30 and movie starts at 6:00)  This is a free event, but please bring a non-perishable food item.  All items will be donated to the Welcome Center food pantry.
Nov. 20- Thanksgiving Lunch please return your reservation slip by Tuesday, Nov. 18. Yellow pod starts lunch at 11:32.
Nov. 24- 28- Thanksgiving break

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Nov. 3-7
All Weekly tests will be Thursday, Nov. 6th
Story- "The Big Circle"
Phonics- o_ e (long o), contractions
Story Elements- characters, setting, and plot (beginning, middle, end)
Spelling Words- bone, home, hope, hose, stone, aren't, she'll, don't, isn't, I'm, one, had
Here is a site to practice the spelling words this week:

High Frequency Words- my, than, first, water, been, call, who, oil, its, now
Grammar-  nouns and verbs

Math:We will continue to learn subtraction.
We will learn about fact families (2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-2=3, 5-3=2)
We will continue to learn about missing addends 15= 7+ _____;  5 + ____ = 9

Social Science:
Students will learn about weather

Important Information:

Nov. 3-7- Book Fair in the lunchroom daily from 11-1
Nov. 3- Math Night:  from 6-7. 
Nov. 3- permission slips and $6.00 are due
Nov. 7- Field trip to Montgomery Museum of Fine Art