Story: "Where Are My Animal Friends"
Sounds: ending er (comparing 2 things), ending -est (comparing 3 or more things),
and -dge (J sound)
Grammar: Pronouns
Sight Words: much, before, mean, old, line, any, same, right, too, tell
Spelling Words: bigger, biggest, sadder, saddest, faster, fastest, bridge, pledge, fudge, lodge, many, these
Math: expanded form
Social Science:
Monday: Ground hog day activities,
Tuesday- Friday: we will continue AMSTI kit- animals 2 by 2: we will be learning about goldfish and comparing them to other fish.
Important Dates & Reminders:
PTO coke fundraiser- Feb. 2-13- Order forms and information has already been sent home.
Top 3 sellers will receive a Toys R Us gift card.
Make checks payable to CES PTO- all checks must include a phone number
PTO meeting: February 3
Prime Time Family Reading Time: Will be every Tuesday from Feb. 10- March 17. (5:30-7:00)
This is a family event that includes storytelling, reading and a discussion for parents and children. This is a free event that includes a meal, door prizes, and gift books. Please preregister by completing the form that was sent home in January. If you are interested and do not have a form please contact your child's teacher for another form.
Progress Reports: Feb. 12
Field trip to Let's Pretend Hospital: Feb. 27
All chaperones need to have filled out an background check this school year. Also, all students must ride the bus on all field trips.
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